The House of Pascal Bouchard is ideally located at the heart of the Chablis winegrowing region, a unique northerly terroir.

As specialists in the production of Chablis and Grand Auxerrois wines, we are committed to PASSIONATELY expressing the diversity of the appellations that make up this great winegrowing region, desirous to let the wines’ minerality and fruit shine through.

Our winery in Chablis is equipped with state-of-the-art machines that are perfectly adapted to our strict requirements for quality.

Our temperature-controlled tanks enable us to vinify up to 11,000 hectolitres of our precious wines under optimal conditions.

Tank capacity ranges from 10 to 300 hectolitres. The smallest tanks allow us to vinify wines from “climats” (named plots) or to craft specific “micro-cuvées”. The larger tanks guarantee consistent quality from start to finish for each vintage.

Some of our cuvées are then patiently aged in our cellar, which can hold over a hundred 350-litre barrels.

Pascal Bouchard’s wines are available at the finest establishments in over 30 countries around the world. Both in France and abroad, we have won awards at renowned competitions and the trade press acknowledges our ever-increasing quality.

We value the magnificent terroirs of Chablis and Grand Auxerrois. Our thorough knowledge of their specificities combined with our know-how allows us to take them to new heights while preserving all of their authenticity.

At each step in the process of crafting our wines, we are careful to respect the characteristics of this fabulous legacy. In the vineyards, our partner growers practise ecologically responsible viticulture with the utmost respect for nature.

Our Premium range features some certified organic wines (ECOCERT).

Respect for our terroir continues at our winery where Florent Denieuil, who has been our winemaker for over 20 years, accompanied by his small but enthusiastic team, vinifies our different appellations with great care and gentleness. Our on-going quest for balance and quality allows us to produce pleasing wines without compromising on authenticity

Pascal Bouchard’s wines are lively and vibrant. They express all of the minerality and finesse that is characteristic of Chablis. Tasting Pascal Bouchard wines always guarantees EMOTION.